Project Violet is a philanthropic effort to build a citizen science community and drive early drug discovery at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center [1]. Launched last month, the project combines aspects of crowdfunding, social media, and video game-style engagement to raise capital from thousands of donors and engage them in a drug discovery journey over the next few years.
Project Violet Combines Crowdfunding, Social Media, and Video Game-style Engagement for Drug Discovery
Big Ten Universities Form Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium
In sports, the Big Ten universities compete against each other, but now many will join together to fight cancer. Last week in Chicago, Illinois, leaders from the universities’ cancer centers kicked off the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium [1].

American Urology Association Changes Position on Routine Prostate Testing
The American Urological Association, which in recent years has defended the PSA screening test, has changed it’s position and no longer recommends routine testing for men.

Inspiring 15-Year-Old Develops Cancer Sensor
Jack Andraka has invented a test that can detect early stage pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer. The cancer sensor is cheaper and faster than today’s gold standard test. In May of this year, Jack Andraka’s groundbreaking research won $75,000 for the first place prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Jack plans to put that money towards college, because he’s just 15 years old.

The Good News About Cancer: You Can Reduce Your Risk
Rock Your Cause is a socially conscious brand with a mandate of participative philanthropy, a fancy phrase we like that simply means giving anyone and everyone the chance to be involved and support causes they are passionate about. The organization is starting a global conversation about the causes of cancer and cancer prevention.