New research suggests that keeping bad LDL cholesterol in check and increasing good HDL cholesterol is not only good for your heart, but also your brain.

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Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) report in the October 29th issue of the journal Neurology that elevated levels of the protein alpha-synuclein can be detected in the skin of Parkinson’s disease patients [1]. The finding offers a potential biomarker to enable doctors to identify and diagnose Parkinson’s before the disease has reached an advanced stage.
Researchers from Saarland University and Siemens Healthcare report that a new blood test can accurately discriminate between healthy people and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s hoped the non-invasive and relatively cheap test could one day help with diagnosis. The research is published in the open access journal Genome Biology [2].
The non-profit One Mind recently announced a partnership with the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters to further the understanding of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and the central nervous system (CNS) [1]. The relationship will enable researchers to collaborate and share research results on a single web platform.
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