New research from the University of Oxford suggests that higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid — primarily found in certain fish such sat tuna and salmon — are associated with better sleep in children. The study is published in the Journal of Sleep Research [1].
Genetic Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s Disease Impacts the Blood Brain Barrier
The most common genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) disrupts the blood brain barrier, impeding oxygen and nutrient flow to the brain and exposing the brain to systemic toxins, according to a recent investigation led by scientists from the University of Rochester Center for Neurodegenerative and Vascular Brain Disorders [1].
Pain and the Prognosis for Dementia
While researchers are busy developing sophisticated laboratory tests to predict who will eventually succumb to Alzheimer’s disease, a seemingly mundane observation may provide one of the strongest predictors yet identified: pain.
Scientists Hit Limit of Time to Read Scholarly Articles
Scientists may have hit the wall when it comes to reading articles. A 35-year trend of researchers reading an increasing number of scholarly manuscripts appears to be leveling off, accompanied by the bottoming out of time taken to read each article.