New research suggests that keeping bad LDL cholesterol in check and increasing good HDL cholesterol is not only good for your heart, but also your brain.
Cholesterol Levels Linked to Alzheimer’s Brain Plaques
U.S. Cancer Deaths Down 20 Percent Over Last Two Decades
According to a new American Cancer Society (ACS) report, fewer people are dying from cancer.
Study Identifies Skin Biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease
Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) report in the October 29th issue of the journal Neurology that elevated levels of the protein alpha-synuclein can be detected in the skin of Parkinson’s disease patients [1]. The finding offers a potential biomarker to enable doctors to identify and diagnose Parkinson’s before the disease has reached an advanced stage.
Genetic Mutation May Explain Increase in U.S. Whooping Cough Cases
An old disease is making a comeback, possibly due to a bacterial mutation. Seventeen states and Washington D.C. are reporting an increase in whooping cough this year. It’s an epidemic in Texas, on pace to be the worst in half a century [1]. The very young are most at risk.