Link Between Blood Type and Heart Disease Risk Questionable

A new study published in the American Heart Association journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology found that people with blood type A, B, or AB — 66% of the American population — had a higher risk for coronary heart disease compared to those with blood type O [1].

Normal artery vs narrowing of artery

Study Finds Few Baby Boomers Receiving, Few Healthcare Practices Prepared to Offer Medicare Wellness Visits

TeleVox, a high-tech engagement communications company that provides automated voice, email, text and web solutions that activate positive patient behaviors through the delivery of a human touch, recently released a study combining consumer and healthcare provider opinion entitled “Healthcare Change: The Time is Now” [1]. The report, which addresses the healthcare industry’s essential shift away from primarily treating illness to keeping people healthy, reveals that the majority of healthcare practices across the country aren’t prepared to meet the demand of the 46.6 million Medicare beneficiaries who are now eligible for wellness visits.

TeleVox Healthcare Change the Time is Now

Study Suggests Light-to-Moderate Drinking During Pregnancy Is Ok

A series of research articles in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology suggest that light-to-moderate drinking during pregnancy (up to 8 drinks per week) does not affect IQ [1], intelligence, attention, and executive function [2], selective and sustained attention [3], or general intelligence [4] in 5-year-old children.

Drinking wine while pregnant

Coffee May Mitigate Risk Of Heart Failure

Good news for those who love their daily coffee (or two); a new meta-analysis (study of studies) published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure suggests that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of heart failure [1].

Cup of coffee

Improving Anti-seizure Technology

Scientists at Johns Hopkins University are developing a new early warning system for seizures that is sensitive enough to detect imminent seizures without setting off a large number of false alarms. The software may someday be embedded in a microchip that would continually check electrical activity in the brain and launch electrical stimulation whenever a seizure is beginning to form.
