Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes
Health Highlights is a biweekly summary of particularly interesting articles from credible sources of health and medical information that we follow & read. For a complete list of recommeded sources, see our links page.

- What Is Aspartame And Why You Should Avoid It | The Good Human
David at The Good Human writes about aspartame, it’s FDA approval and it’s health effects.
- Very Cool Web Tool | InsureBlog
Although it’s a short post, H G Stern writes about one cool tool … Find Your Doc.
- Heavy metals in foods: more trouble for China | Terra Sigillata
Abel Pharmboy at Terra Sigillata writes about a Wall Street Journal report on heavy metal food contamination in China.
- Cancer Mutation Theory Possibly Overrated | Life Sciences Blog
Konstantinos at the Life Sciences Blog writes about an alternative theory for cancer. Indeed, aneuploidy (meaning the duplication or loss of one or more chromosomes) is a common characteristic in virtually all cancers.
- NextBio: the search engine for life sciences data | ScienceRoll
Berci at ScienceRoll shows us NextBio, a web-based scientific data search engine that looks incredibly cool. If you search PubMed frequently (like I do), you’ll have to give the demo a spin.
- For Your Own Safety Avoid Mixing These Two Products | The Beauty Brains
Insect repellent and sunscreen don’t mix. The Beauty Brains explain why.