Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes
Health Highlights is a biweekly summary of particularly interesting articles from credible sources of health and medical information that we follow & read. For a complete list of recommeded sources, see our links page.

- Which Fork Is for the Grubs? | Mark’s Daily Apple
At Mark’s Daily Apple, Mark is writing a new column called Primal Health, addressing issues of diet, exercise and stress in the context of our DNA blueprints. It looks to be an interesting series.
- Kid-friendly Food Not to Blame | Junkfood Science
Sandy over at Junkfood Science writes about childhood obesity and efforts focusing on legislation calling for further restrictions on televsion food advertising.
- Could You Live Without Direct-to-Consumer Ads? | Freakonomics Blog
I read somewhere recently that it takes close to $900 million dollars to bring a new drug to market. I have to wonder how much of that money is spent on advertising. I should ask David over at Health Business Blog …
- Tear Down These Walls! | Universal Health
N=1 over at Universal Health writes about the absence of nurses’ voices in public dialogue and urges nurses to tear down the walls that separate them and speak about diagnosing and treating responses to health problems.
- Fighters Tackle Childhood Diseases | The Health Wisdom Blog
Just as I wrote previously about Neurofibromatosis and The Children’s Tumor Foundation, Pat over at The Health Wisdom Blog writes about, an organization created to accelerate the search for a treatment and cure for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), the number-one inherited cause of infant death. The article includes a number of other websites associated with FightSMA.