A good night’s rest may literally clear the mind. Using mice, researchers showed for the first time that the space between brain cells may increase during sleep, allowing the brain to flush out toxins that build up during waking hours. These results suggest a new role for sleep in health and disease. The study was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the NIH.
World Food Day 2013: Sustainable Food Systems
Today is World Food Day, an opportunity to celebrate the thousands of farmers and groups working in fields, kitchens, schools and laboratories around the world to raise yields, improve food and nutrition security, increase incomes, and protect biodiversity.
What the U.S. Government Shutdown Means to Your Health
The United States government shutdown has slowed or halted federal efforts to protect Americans’ health and safety. Now in its 9th day, the shutdown has impacted food safety efforts, flu programs and disease-tracking, scientific research, and the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and communities.
Cellular Transport and the Nobel Prize for Medicine
The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced yesterday [1]. The prize was awarded to three U.S. scientists for their work on how the cell coordinates its transport system to shuttle proteins and other molecules from one location to another.
The prize of 8-million-Swedish-krona ($1.2-million USD) was divided evenly to Randy W. Schekman, age 65, at the University of California at Berkeley; James E. Rothman, age 63, at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut; and Thomas C. Südhof, age 58, at Stanford University, for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in cells.
Study Finds Generally Lower Premiums from Health Insurance Marketplace
Open enrollment in the new Health Insurance Marketplace — a part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) — began today, allowing individuals and families to purchase private insurance for coverage beginning January 1, 2014. A new Kaiser Family Foundation study provides an early look at insurance premiums in 2014 [1]. The report finds that U.S. consumers generally will see lower health insurance premiums through the marketplace.