Food Tank’s 13 Resolutions to Change the Food System in 2013

As we start the new year, approximately 180 million Americans have made a New Year’s resolution [1-3]. Two of the top five resolutions for 2013 focus on food, specifically weight loss (#1) and healthier eating (#5).

Ellen Gustafson and Danielle Nierenberg, co-founders of the food think tank Food Tank that launches on January 10th, have also been thinking about resolutions for the year ahead. They think eaters, farmers and policy-makers need new, bigger resolutions to fix the food system — real changes with long-term impacts on plates and in fields and boardrooms all over the world — and offer 13 resolutions to change the food system in 2013.

Food Tank

The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2012 – The Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, it’s become a tradition for us to take a look back at the top stories readers were interested in (this month, Highlight HEALTH celebrated it’s sixth year promoting advances in biomedical research). As we have in previous years, we’ve compiled two top ten lists of the most-viewed stories for 2012, one as measured by the absolute number of page views and the other as measured by the average number of page views per day posted.

Highlight HEALTH Top 10 for 2012

Organovo: Top Innovative Company in Biomedicine

Organovo is one of 10 biomedicine companies included in Technology Review’s 50 Most Innovative Companies (TR50) for 2012 [1].


Happy Holidays from Highlight HEALTH

Happy holidays from Highlight HEALTH

Thanks to all of our readers for helping make 2012 a great year.

Happy holidays from all of us at Highlight HEALTH!

Walter Jessen, Diana Gitig, Kirstin Hendrickson and Faith Martin.

Inspiring 15-Year-Old Develops Cancer Sensor

Jack Andraka has invented a test that can detect early stage pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer. The cancer sensor is cheaper and faster than today’s gold standard test. In May of this year, Jack Andraka’s groundbreaking research won $75,000 for the first place prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Jack plans to put that money towards college, because he’s just 15 years old.

Jack Andraka