A Petition for Free Online Access to Taxpayer-funded Research

Biomedical research — indeed research in all scientific disciplines — builds on previous knowledge. In 1665, the first scientific journals were created as a way to formally document and archive research discoveries. The adoption and growth of the scientific journal system has created a body of shared knowledge, a collective memory that spans centuries.

Open access to taxpayer-funded research

Q&A: Is “Wheat Flour” Whole Wheat, And Why Does It Matter?

Question: Is whole wheat considered a whole grain? As I understand it, foods with a low glycemic index are supposed to leave you feeling fuller, take longer to digest, and have health benefits. I thought whole grains were supposed to do those things too, but I’ve also read on the Internet that there’s no difference between wheat flour and white flour. What’s the truth?

Whole grain

Flu Shot During Pregnancy Improves Perinatal Outcomes

During pregnancy, women need to take special care to avoid becoming ill. There are several reasons for this. The first is that a pregnant woman’s immune system is not as strong during pregnancy as it generally is; this helps to prevent the mother’s body from attacking the developing fetus. Unfortunately, however, the weakened immune system also means that pregnant mothers are more susceptible to pathogens that they’d otherwise fight off relatively easily. Increased susceptibility aside, there’s also the concern that some illnesses — influenza included — can impact the developing fetus. Finally, there’s the simple fact that many of the medications used to treat illnesses and their accompanying symptoms aren’t appropriate for pregnant women.

Pregnant woman and doctor with vaccine syringe

Integrated Diagnostics: Top Innovative Company in Biomedicine

Integrated Diagnostics is one of 10 biomedicine companies included in Technology Review’s 50 Most Innovative Companies (TR50) for 2012 [1].

Integrated Diagnostics

Scientists Develop Video Game to Help Stroke Victims Regain Limb Function

Strokes, which occur when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, result in the death of brain cells. Depending upon the area of the brain that sustained damage, survivors may have lasting effects including speech difficulties or loss of function and weakness in a limb. Recovering full, or nearly full, function is possible. However, this requires many months of intense therapy, which is costly and can be logistically challenging for patients who have to travel to see a therapist.