1,000 Scientists in 1,000 Days, Connecting Scientists and Teachers

The ability of America to compete in the world, particularly in the areas of science or engineering, is in trouble. A 2009 report by the National Academies, the country’s leading advisory group on science and technology, found that the United States ranks 27th out of 29 developed countries in the proportion of college students receiving undergraduate degrees in science or engineering [1]. The report calls on federal and state governments to target early childhood education; strengthen the public school math and science curriculum, and improve teacher training in these crucial subjects.

In support of these goals, in September 2010, President Obama announced the launch of Change the Equation, an initiative to improve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. During his State of the Union address in January, President Obama also called for investments in education, infrastructure and research.

Scientists in the lab

1,000 Scientists in 1,000 Days is a program that Scientific American launched earlier this month as part of its Change the Equation initiates with their parent Nature Publishing Group. It aims to make it easier for scientists and teachers to connect. They’re recruiting scientists who are “willing to volunteer to advise on curricula, answer a classroom’s questions, or visit a school” to talk about science or a typical day in the lab. Perhaps some scientists will answer questions by email or Skype. How they participate, and the frequency at which they participate, will be up to them.

An editorial in Nature earlier this month gets to the heart of the matter [2]:

In the younger grades, many US science teachers have no science training: in 2004, only 40% of fifth- and 80% of eighth-grade students were taught maths and science by teachers with a degree or certificate in their teaching field, according to the most recent figures from the National Science Foundation.

What is more, teachers have to juggle the often-conflicting demands to ‘teach to the test’, which requires a lot of learning by rote, with the need to imbue students with the inspiring wonder of science — and the process-driven critical thinking and evidence collection that proper research requires. Educators also wrestle with anti-science demands to ‘teach the controversy’ in disciplines such as evolution and climate change. According to the National Center for Science Education, at least eight anti-evolution bills have been introduced in US state legislatures since the beginning of 2011.

Overcoming the obstacles our country faces in early childhood education and achieving success as a nation depends on strengthening America’s role as the world’s engine of discovery and innovation. If you’re a scientist, mathematician or engineer and want to help improve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, head on over to the Scientific American site and add your name to the list of participants. The program hopes to have a directory of scientists available for teachers by this fall for the 2011-2012 school year.


  1. Highlights from Education at a Glance 2009. OECD Indicators; Table A-3.5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2009.
  2. Those who can. Nature. 2011 May 12;473(7346):123.

NIH and Non-profits Sign Research and Development Agreement

The National Institutes of Health today announced an agreement with two non-profit organizations to accelerate the development of potential clinical therapies for rare blood cancers.

The cooperative research and development agreement has been established as a shared commitment to move therapies for rare blood cancers into clinical proof-of-concept studies so that promising treatments can eventually be commercialized. The agreement is among the University of Kansas Medical Center, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), the NIH Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND) program and the Hematology Branch within the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

The Learning Collaborative

Biomarker Bulletin: May 23, 2011

Biomarker Bulletin is an occasionally recurring update of news focused on biomarkers aggregated at BiomarkerCommons.org. Biomarkers are physical, functional or biochemical indicators of normal physiological or disease processes. The individualization of disease management — personalized medicine — is dependent on developing biomarkers that promote specific clinical domains, including early detection, risk, diagnosis, prognosis and predicted response to therapy.

Biomarker Commons

Synergy Between Antibiotics and Nonantibiotic Drugs

Antibiotic resistance is an ever-growing clinical problem. Four years ago, a study found that antibiotics are overprescribed for sinus infections. Compounding the issue is the fact that as bacteria are learning to tolerate and even circumvent existing classes of antibiotics, not enough work is being done to discover new ones. Combinations or cocktails of antibiotics are often used to broaden the antimicrobial spectrum of each and to achieve synergistic effects; this approach has successfully been applied to combat tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, and famously, HIV. Yet the discovery of effective combinations has usually been almost fortuitous, most often resulting from trial and error rather than a systematic analysis.

Antibiotic cocktail

In the current study, researchers systematically examined combinations of 1,057 compounds previously approved as drugs to find those that exhibited synergy with the antibiotic minocycline. Their work is reported in the April 24, 2011 issue of the journal Nature Chemical Biology [1]. The compounds were chosen because they have already been approved as drugs, they are known to have activity in vivo and are known to be relatively safe. Many approved drugs are known to have utility for clinical indications other than those for which they initially received approval. Moreover, using pre-approved compounds also reduces the time and cost associated with developing new compounds for therapeutic use.

Amid Product Recalls, J&J Looks to Restore Brand Confidence

It’s spring, pollen is everywhere, and for many people, it’s allergy season. However, there’s one thing that’s missing this year: the over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicine Benadryl. It’s just another of the many products recalled by Johnson & Johnson over the past year-and-a-half. The list of over 40 pulled products is a who’s who of common OTC medications: Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, Rolaids, St. Joseph and Sudafed.

Recalled Johnson & Johnson products