NIH to Establish Translational Medicine Center

Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), said last month that he is moving ahead with a plan to create a new center focused on translational medicine, presently called the National Center for the Advancement of Translational Sciences (NCATS) [1]. The strategy comes at a time of mounting frustration from researchers that the abundance of new information about the molecular basis of many diseases hasn’t led to the development of new therapies.

Translational research

Health Literacy: Key for Managing Personal Health

Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions [1]. Health literacy is important because it affects a individual’s ability to manage personal health: to navigate the healthcare system, share health history with healthcare providers, engage in self-care and manage chronic disease, and understand concepts such as probability and risk.

Easter Seals Living With Disabilities Study

Most of us take everyday adult life for granted; we have a place to live, access to transportation and the opportunity to live independently. The same can most likely be said for those of us with adult children. The basics are covered. But what happens if you’re one of the millions of adults living with a developmental disability in this country? What if you’re the parent and caregiver to an adult child with a disability? How is your life different? Are the basics covered?

When people with disabilities turn 21, they and their families are no longer eligible for the services and supports provided by law through the school system. To determine how this affects them, Easter Seals — the nonprofit, community-based health agency dedicated to helping children and adults with disabilities attain greater independence — commissioned Harris Interactive to perform an online poll of adults with disabilities and their parents [1]. The primary goals of the study were to call attention to the challenges these people face, help service providers better respond to their needs, and heighten awareness of the needs of adults living with disabilities and their families.

The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2010 – The Year in Review

This holiday season, Highlight HEALTH is celebrating its fourth year promoting advances in biomedical research. As the year draws to a close, we’re taking a look back at the top stories readers were interested in.

We’ve compiled a list of the most-viewed stories for the year, both in terms of the absolute number of page views and average number of page views per day posted. Many of the stories that made the list were obvious contenders; however, a few were surprising. One thing we know is that readers enjoy discovering the science of health.

The Highlight HEALTH Network

The Highlight HEALTH Network consists of three web sites:

There are a number of ways to connect with the Highlight HEALTH Network, including Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed and email or RSS feed. Highlight HEALTH is also optimized for mobile devices such as your iPhone, Android phone or Blackberry.

Top stories for 2010

We’ve calculated the top stories for 2010 on Highlight HEALTH using two measures, either by the highest absolute number of page views for the year (shown in red) or by the average number of page views per day (shown in white).


Top 10 stories by highest absolute page view for the year

  1. The 2010 NF Conference — Connecting the Public with the Research
    (article #65; 10,525 page views)
    Neurofibromatosis (NF) encompasses a set of genetic disorders that cause tumors to grow on nerves. The Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF) annual NF Conference is being held from June 5th – June 8th. Although the conference is restricted to researchers, the CTF will update the public about the research presented with a series of blog posts and short videos from the conference floor.
  2. The Association Between Smoking and Back Pain
    (article #34; 6,470 page views)
    A new study published in The American Journal of Medicine highlights another reason not to light up that cigarette — smokers (current and former) are more likely to suffer from low back pain than people who have never smoked.
  3. Cancer Research Blog Carnival #38 – Breast Cancer
    (article #83; 6,053 page views)
    Welcome to the 38th edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, the monthly blog carnival that discusses what’s new in cancer research. In recognition of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this edition’s focus is on breast cancer.
  4. Social Media in Health and Medicine: Medlibs Round 2.7
    (article #75; 5,836 page views)
    Welcome to Medlib’s Round, edition 2.7, the monthly blog carnival highlighting excellent blog posts in the field of medical information. For this edition, we wanted to focus on how social media is being used to promote health information online.
  5. The Link Between Positive Psychology and Cancer Survival
    (article #77; 5,747 page views)
    The seemingly common idea that a positive outlook will help someone in poor health is currently under scientific investigation. A special supplement of the Annals of Behavioural Medicine directly addressed this topic and a recent article in the Lancet explored the relationship between positive psychology and cancer pathology.
  6. Is Junk Food Addictive?
    (article #64; 5,460 page views)
    In a recent paper in Nature Neuroscience, two researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida report that obese rats with extended access to what they deemed “palatable food” — bacon, sausage, cheesecake, pound cake, frosting and chocolate — exhibited compulsive like eating behavior, much like rats with extended access to cocaine or heroin.
  7. Refusing Immunizations Increases Risk of Chickenpox in Children
    (article #11; 5,224 page views)
    According to a new study published in the journalArchives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, children of parents who refuse vaccines are over eight times more likely to get chickenpox compared to fully immunized children [1]. The study, funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), it is the first to assess the relationship between parental vaccine refusal and the risk of chickenpox in children.
  8. The National Health Observances Toolkit
    (article #42; 5,103 page views)
    To help promote certain health observances, the National Health Observances Toolkit provides information and ideas to engage the public in health promotion activities.
  9. Scientists Find New Form of Prion Disease that Damages Brain Arteries
    (article #44; 5,046 page views)
    National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists investigating how prion diseases destroy the brain have observed a new form of the disease in mice that does not cause the sponge-like brain deterioration typically seen in prion diseases. Instead, it resembles a form of human Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, that damages brain arteries.
  10. Personalized Medicine Approach Provides More Benefit for Patients with High Cholesterol than Current Guidelines
    (article #36; 4,966 page views)
    A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that a simple tailored treatment for high cholesterol provides more benefit per person treated and prevented significantly more coronary artery disease morbidity and death than the currently recommended treat-to-target approaches.

Top 10 stories by average number of page views per day

  1. Avastin, the FDA and Breast Cancer Patient Survival
    (article #106; average: 156 page views/day)
    The issue surrounding the use of Avastin for breast malignancies has nothing to do with rationing healthcare and everything to do with patient survival.
  2. Grand Rounds: the Impact of Healthcare Reform
    (article #102; average: 151 page views/day)
    For this edition of Grand Rounds, we’re focusing on the impact of healthcare reform: what are the changes to healthcare delivery, utilization, quality, costs (either as a provider or a patient) and outcomes.
  3. Happy Holidays (and watch the cookies!)
    (article #109; average:147 page views/day)
    Families everywhere are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, and the temptation to eat and drink in excess during the holiday season can be hard to overcome. For example, consider Santa Claus.
  4. Blood Protein Linked to Alzheimers Brain Abnormalities
    (article #108; average: 136 page views/day)
    Researchers report that a protein in the blood may reflect the levels of beta amyloid protein in the brain and eventually lead to a blood test that helps to predict the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. The Benefits of Animal Research
    (article #107; average: 122 page views/day)
    Animals are our allies in the war against cancer and other deadly diseases. Animal research is saving and extending both human and animal lives.
  6. Genetic Link to ADHD Identified
    (article #107; average: 122 page views/day)
    A recent study published in The Lancet finds that children with ADHD are more likely to have small segments of their DNA duplicated or missing than other children that don’t have the disorder.
  7. Health in 200 Countries Over 200 Years in 4 Minutes
    (article #101; average: 93 page views/day)
    The story of world health in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers in just four minutes.
  8. Cancer Research Blog Carnival #38 – Breast Cancer
    (article #83; average: 70 page views/day)
    Welcome to the 38th edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, the monthly blog carnival that discusses what’s new in cancer research. In recognition of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this edition’s focus is on breast cancer.
  9. The Flu and Your Health
    (article #105; average: 68 page views/day)
    It’s the gift-giving season. However, there’s one gift this time of year you don’t want to give or get: the flu virus.
  10. Adds Topic on Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults
    (article #103; average: 63 page views/day)
    NIHSeniorHealth, the health and wellness website for older adults from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has added a topic about anxiety disorders.

Thanks for reading and Best of Health in the coming year!

Happy Holidays (and watch the cookies!)

December can be a fun, joyous season. Families everywhere are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Each of these winter holidays brings many festivities and lots of yummy, delicious food. The temptation to eat and drink in excess can be hard to overcome.

Although getting your five-a-day is important for promoting good health, overindulging on anything is bad for you. Indeed, overindulgence — consuming more calories than your body requires — is one of the main factors contributing to weight gain. Many of us love sweets during the holidays, but large portions won’t do anything but add surplus calories that get converted into fat.

Cookies and Santa Claus

Consider Santa Claus. One of the benefits of being “good St. Nick” is eating all the holiday cookies left by children around the world on Christmas eve.