Around the world, obesity levels are rising. For the first time in history, more people are overweight than undernourished. Premiering Friday, April 4th through Sunday, April 20th on BBC World News, a 3-part documentary series entitled “The Men Who Made Us Fat” explores the political, economic and social events that led to our increasingly overweight world.
Oncologists Have Mixed Attitudes on the Use of Genomic Testing
Predictive genomic testing has the potential to usher in an era of personalized cancer care for patients. However, a recent study finds that not all physicians are eager to embrace the technology.
Disorganized Patches in the Brain Suggest Prenatal Origin of Autism
The architecture of the autistic brain is speckled with patches of abnormal neurons, according to research partially funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the National Institutes of Health. Recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the study suggests that brain irregularities in children with autism can be traced back to prenatal development [1].
Chronic Sleep Loss May Lead to Loss of Brain Cells
In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, all too often we hear people say they haven’t gotten enough rest and plan to “catch up” on sleep over the weekend. However, new research suggests chronic sleep loss may be more serious than previously thought and may even lead to loss of brain cells [1].
Better Sleep Linked to Higher Levels of Omega-3 in Diet
New research from the University of Oxford suggests that higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid — primarily found in certain fish such sat tuna and salmon — are associated with better sleep in children. The study is published in the Journal of Sleep Research [1].