Reading time: 7 – 12 minutes
Welcome to Medlib’s Round, edition 2.7, the monthly blog carnival highlighting excellent blog posts in the field of medical information. Just under a year ago, we hosted MedLibs Round 1.8: Finding Credible Health Information Online. For this edition, we wanted to focus on how social media is being used to promote health information online.

In the digital age, these are the characteristics of new media: recent, relevant, reachable and reliable.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the term mobile is being used quite often when discussing social media and health. Indeed, according to a recent Pew Internet report, 59% of adults are now accessing the internet wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone [1].
Keeping with this month’s theme, we’re tweeting and sharing posts using the Twitter hashtags #medinfo and #medlibs. If you like a particular post, share it with your friends and be sure to add both hashtags.
Leveraging social media to promote health information online
Health is social. Health is mobile. What are you spreading?
Mobile, Social Health at the National Library of Medicine
New NLM widgets to access information from MedlinePlus on your own website or blog such as the search cloud.
Widgety Mobile-y New? Thoughts on NLM & Social Media
The mobile web is just one part of social medicine. How’s it working for MedlinePlus?
MedlinePlus Mobile Review and Social Medicine
Slideshow discussing the use of social media for communication between people and health professionals (with audio!)
Health Professionals and Social Media
For Web 2.0-critical people, what works and what doesn’t: Collaborating and Delivering Literature Search Results to Clinical Teams Using Web 2.0 Tools
The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, a first-of-its-kind social media center focused on health care.
Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media
With sites like the Mayo Clinic recently announcing their Center for Social Media, many more hospitals will follow once they discover that social media in healthcare is here to stay.
Can Twitter and Facebook help prospective medical students?
To make social media work well you need to integrate it with more traditional approaches that capture the imagination and inspire people.
Social media is NOT a strategy …
The FDA’s CDER is considering the development of a new blog aimed at communicating matters of drug safety and risk management.
FDA Advances in Social Media – What’s it Mean for Industry?
Does Facebook and other social networking services damage the profession of physicians or the public trust?
Facebook and Professionalism
Slideshow discussing the importance of understanding the nature of emerging media before just jumping into the latest craze.
Healthcare Uses of Social Media tool that makes it easier and faster to find actionable prevention and wellness tips.
The Quick Guide to Healthy Living
There are many ways to engage patients. The Israel Deaconess Medical Center iPhone app enables patients to learn more about the medical center and search for affiliated doctors.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Releases iPhone App for Patients
Increased efficacy, safety and patient satisfaction for dermatologic procedures.
Technological Advances in Medicine & Dermatology, part 1
Technological Advances in Medicine & Dermatology, part 2.
Conversation is great, but social collaboration is much better.
My Elephant in the Room: Healthy Engagement
Flipboard is a personalized social magazine specifically designed for the iPad.
Flipboard Changes the Way We Use Twitter
That concludes this month’s edition of MedLib’s Round. Past and future hosts can be found on the MedLib’s Round blog carnival index page.
If you’d like to follow along with MedLib’s Round every month, subscription options are available: you can follow by email or RSS feed. An aggregated feed of credible, rotating health and medicine blog carnivals is also available. The Health and Medicine Blog Carnival Mashup can also be followed on Twitter @BioMedCarnivals, FriendFeed (BioMedical Carnivals) and Facebook (BiomedCarnivals).
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- Mobile Access 2010. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2010 Jul 7.