The dark-brown coloring of many soft drinks contains a chemical that Consumer Reports warns may contain a potential carcinogen.

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The dark-brown coloring of many soft drinks contains a chemical that Consumer Reports warns may contain a potential carcinogen.
Health Highlights is a biweekly summary of particularly interesting articles from credible sources of health and medical information that we follow & read. For a complete list of recommeded sources, see our links page.
David at The Good Human writes about aspartame, it’s FDA approval and it’s health effects.
Although it’s a short post, H G Stern writes about one cool tool … Find Your Doc.
Abel Pharmboy at Terra Sigillata writes about a Wall Street Journal report on heavy metal food contamination in China.
Konstantinos at the Life Sciences Blog writes about an alternative theory for cancer. Indeed, aneuploidy (meaning the duplication or loss of one or more chromosomes) is a common characteristic in virtually all cancers.
Berci at ScienceRoll shows us NextBio, a web-based scientific data search engine that looks incredibly cool. If you search PubMed frequently (like I do), you’ll have to give the demo a spin.
Insect repellent and sunscreen don’t mix. The Beauty Brains explain why.
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